The Freedom Sessions


Live in Alignment with Your True Self



Is this you?


You are: a woman who is tired. And knows there is more for her. 

You have: done a lot. You’ve been busy. As a high-achiever you have strived to be your best. Good parent, good friend, partner, enterpreneur, creative, professional.

You have also: read books, tried to change yourself, taken courses, you have a lot of knowledge.  

You give: a lot to other people. Your time, attention and energy. You are afraid of disappointing others, yet also feel resentful.

You feel: deeply. You feel others emotions and take care of them. You feel deeper and longer than the people around you.

You know: you have a lot to give and you feel panic or heartache at midlife knowing this is the last act.

You dream: of a life where you are free. Free to be quiet, to feel good, to feel calm and peaceful in your body. Free to be yourself.



Yet you feel like something is missing, you haven’t quite reached it yet, but you might not even know what it is.




Break free from the trap of shadows and show up as yourself


 The Freedom Sessions are a small, high-level and potent container for the woman who is ready to move. To break free from shame. To rattle the cage. To turn Brene Brown’s books into reality. To tap into her depths of her intuition and emotions.

Connect with like-minded women, access transformative weekly coaching, and step into a life of courage, joy, and authenticity.

Finally live as yourself without trying to be anyone else.

No more feeling less-than others because you are full of yourself

Access the depth of your creativity without fear

This is the healing of shame and shadows. 


Be seen:  transform the shadow of “don’t show off” 

Desire more: transform the shadow of “greed”

Find your voice: transform the shadow of “too much”

Feel proud of yourself: transform the shadow of pride

Celebrate other women: transform the shadow of envy

Practice radical self-care: transform the wound of selfishness

Desire more: transform the wound of lust

Practice embodied boundaries: transform the shadow of anger and use it for good.


Can you see all the ways your natural wholeness has been buried.. alive?


This is an exciting time in the world for women. We have more access to support and good info for our empowerment than ever before. Let’s use it to rise!


This is the work of alchemy 


You have held so much in your gut. “Stomached” too much. When you begin to feel and express yourself you become your own alchemist. 

You transform your cracks into pure gold. Your empathic wounds will become your gold and your gift to the world.

The nightmare of needing to be perfect is over. You have survived and there is more. 

Much, much more. 



This is it:

  • 12 weeks of high level coaching sessions online in a small group
  • Safe and supportive space for shadow work
  • Access to all recordings
  • Exclusive resources and tools to release shame and fear
  • Connection with a community of intuitive, high-achieving women breaking free and creating massive impact as a result

Reach out and let’s chat at [email protected] 

You will never fully engage in the world unless you are who you are.

Hi. I’m Madeleine Eames. I am a therapist, a mother of 2 and a partner. I have journeyed into the depths of trauma healing, restoration and the nervous system for over 30 years.

I have travelled the territories of shut-down and burnout as a highly sensitive child and woman, navigated the deep emotions of shame that life hands out freely and bridged the areas of complex health conditions such as chronic pain and the nervous system cycle. 

It took me years to allow myself the freedom to be authentic. And the world didn’t fall apart.

My passion is bringing all of this to you, the highly empathic woman who is not content to just rest and feel safe, but want to go expand into beauty, love, success, money and most of all contributing to this planet.

You know you are meant for more, and it all starts inside you. 

When you start to understand yourself deeply, life makes sense, relationships make sense, you make sense. 

You belong. You matter. 

Don’t try and fit in, you were never meant to. 

Now, let’s complete the cycle.

It turns out.. that the sensitive people are the most adaptable, resilient and strong when they are well nourished, balanced and aligned. 


This is my goal for you. 

To become the highest version of yourself by healing the shadows that keep you hidden and disconnected. 

Reclaim access to ALL your emotions and use them like a queen. 

Know how to ground, regulate and balance your nervous system container. 

Heal patterns such as people-pleasing, over-giving and leave the cult of busyness. 

No longer feel the need to over-explain, defend or explain yourself. 

Live in the freedom of your ever-expanding aliveness so that you can create from there. 

In the right community, trauma starts healing itself and you become whole.

You, your emotions, behaviours and reactions belong here.

You have a creative intelligence inside you that is waiting to be uncovered. 

 You are here to feel fully live and express your magic into the world.

It’s only when we feel safe enough to be exactly who we are that effortless miracles reveal themselves in our lives.