Lioness Rising: 

 The Courage to be Yourself 


A 5-week course to  EMBRACE YOUR SHADOWS and embody your inner LIONESS to move from GOOD GIRL TO GOOD ENOUGH.

There will be a before and after. It’s time.

I’m Ready to Roar

A 5-week course with Madeleine Eames and guest teachers 

Begins September 4th, 2024

Do you find yourself trying to change old patterns, but end up in the same old place?

Do you promise yourself you will speak up, say no, or set a boundary, yet can’t hold it?

You’ve been trying to heal for a long time. 

Perhaps you hide away when you need space, hope the phone doesn’t ring, avoid and feel bad. Then you apologize.

You search google, wonder what others would do, get easily knocked off centre by others opinions when it comes to YOUR OWN LIFE!

Trying to be strong, change your thoughts, self-help, improvement plans, all the books and programs, spent so much money and yet, here you are.

Feeling not good enough.

But this does not feel right. 

Why? Because you are made to be strong and fierce, a stunning expression of beauty and strength.

Though you may find comfort in the safety of the sidelines, you know life has so much more in store for you. The darkness around you should fear the light within you.

When you wake up, the enemy should be on high alert. Why? It’s simple, really.

You are a lioness, and you were created to roar.

If you feel there is something fierce within you that is yet to be unleashed, that's why.

This course goes far beyond therapy,  mindset and habits. It ignites a new template that is emerging on the planet.

You are SO done with pretending. Done with trying to get it right. Done with doing it all for everyone else.

It’s time. Time for women to claim their bodies and their territory, rekindle their courage and pride, move from a place of embodied love of who they are here to be. 

It’s time to step into your true purpose and show up for your life powerfully by igniting your lioness.

This is your call of the wild.

Will you heed the call?

Find Your Voice

Discover the whisper from deep inside your belly and learn how to roar.

Claim Your Territory

Lionesses don’t simply set boundaries with words, they claim territories with their energy, their eyes and their body.

Stand Your Ground

Learn how to stay present in the midst of chaos and confusion, no longer getting trapped in self-doubt and over-thinking.

Expand Your Capacity

You are not meant to be caged or to prove yourself. You are here for the full experience.

Move Like a Lioness

Most of the time, a lioness is at peace. Playing, rolling with her cubs, basking in the sun. Or, she is prowling with confidence and only attacks when necessary.

Flow and Structure

Flow in your body is important. And so is laser sharp vision, action, and risk-taking. Develop the resilience and strength to do both so your magic can flow.

Sleep Like a Lioness 

A lioness needs her rest. You will learn how to sleep peacefully in sync with your natural circadian rhythms.


Above all, you are here to love in a big, lion-hearted way


It‘s heartbreaking for an empathic soul like you not to be able to move and give in a massive way in your life.

You see, there is a shift happening that you might not see with all the chaos and confusion right now. It is a shift towards full sovereignty and peace as we have found all others ways no longer work. 

But we need enough safety in our bodies. We need nervous system awareness. And we need the strength, courage and compassion of a lioness. 

This course takes us beyond fixing patterns like people-pleasing and worrying about what others think.  

We will move into the shadows of guilt and shame that keep us stuck and small and find that the love of your lioness can hold it all. You are so much more than your patterns and emotions. 

We will identify your fear patterns and start to move out of freeze with agility.

We will entertain anger and all her faces and harness healthy anger for power and speaking up. 

We will learn to occupy our own bodies and breath, even when we want to leave.

The full expression of you awaits. You are not broken, just hidden.

You were never a problem to fix. You are a human to hold. 


5 Core Classes 

Wednesdays at 10am PST beginning September 4th


* The return of YOU in your body and on the planet

* Moving through shadows of fear, pride, anger and shame

* Emotional agility

* Prey-predator dynamics

* Embodying your voice

* Boundaries: Claiming your territory

* Healthy competition and healthy aggression

* Take up space and hold your ground

* Protect your pride


Guest Integration Sessions

Thursdays at 3pm or 7pm PST 


* Deep yoga nidra journey to meet your lioness

* Sacred rage breathwork salon

* Embodied movement and voice

* Laughter and Play: dancing with structure and flow

* Circadian rhythms and getting restorative sleep

* Embodied boundaries and space

Who am I?

It’s been a journey! I been working in the area of trauma and healing for over 30 years. I have created many courses for healing anxiety, chronic pain and other physical and emotional issues. 

But this one, in my humble opinion, is a game-changer.

I’ve been a yoga teacher, a mindfulness teacher and a transformational breathwork guide. 

BUT even with all my knowledge, in 2019 I burned out and began the path of recovery as an empath. Since then, it has become my mission to restore deeply-feeling women to health and wealth in the world.

My passion is the power of somatic (body) healing, emotional expression and radical self-love and acceptance. 

I wrote 2 books, Mindfulness for Anxiety and Good Morning Dear Empath and the third is being birthed.

I am excited to bring you this latest iteration to help women all over the world find their true POWER IN AUTHENTICITY. 

Be prepared to safely ignite parts of yourself long held in the shadows and expand into a predator of love.


Juliet Kaczmarek, guest teacher

Juliet is a multi-talented movement teacher, psychotherapist and facilitator. 

As a dedicated yoga practitioner and guide, she specializes in the art of Yoga Nidra, a profound meditative practice that leads participants to a state of deep relaxation and self-awareness. Through these sessions, she invites you to explore the depths of their consciousness, allowing them to release stress, find inner calm, and uncover their inner wisdom.

Juliet will be leading a deep journey of discovering your inner lioness, a class in roaring laughter, and an embodied womb power session.

It is going to be epic!


Dr. Eleanor Stein, guest teacher

Dr. Stein is a psychiatrist who is making a difference. She has dedicated her life to helping people heal and now offers classes and courses grounded in research to help people gain back well-being in the face of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Environmental Sensitivities.

She’s worked with over 1,000 patients over the past 20 years. She’s also the founder of ETeam “the only multidisciplinary team in Canada offering objective assessment of cognitive, exercise and sensory function in people with ME/CFS, FM, and ES (environmental sensitivities)”.

 Her classes offer a full array of education about neuroplasticiity and tools for stress reduction, sleep and the latest in biological as well as lifestyle treatments.

Eleanor Stein is a Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Calgary and is a steering committee member of the new Canadian Research Network (ICanCME).

Ellie will be offering a workshop on How to Sleep Like a Lioness to help you harness circadian rhythms and get the restorative sleep you need to heal and regain energy.



Join the Pride

If you want to be a pattern breaker, embody the energy of strength and roar with laughter, and move stealthily towards what you want,  join us in Lioness Rising: The Courage to Be Yourself  

2 payments of $244