We are on a hunt.... for your aliveness. 

A 30 day journey to track your own aliveness to your wild and free self. 


There is a part of you that is yearning to feel free. 

You know you get stuck in old patterns yet can’t seem to change course.

You don’t want more information. You want simple actionable steps.

You are willing to give up what you know about yourself and open to something new and unknown.

You are ready to commit to 30 days to becoming a predator of your own aliveness.



Your aliveness is hunting for YOU. 

She whispers in your ear, gives you signs, 

shows you where you feel tight and tamed, 

and begs for your attention.


Are you ready to follow the call?

One video lesson to begin each week to set the direction for your 5 days of tracking.

5 days of emails with simple prompts/keys to invite you deeper into your track.

Let go of who you were old or thought you were to access your true, alive self

This course is the result of being around long enough to see the physical and emotional effects of living in cultural rules and expectations.


I hear your aching call to be free. 

Free of rules, shoulds, pressure and worries. Free of worry about what others think. Free of jealousy and anger. 

A yearning for something more. 

I have felt it too. As a trauma healer and breathwork and mindfulness guide, I have seen how the shoulds and expectations keep us small and stressed and scared. 

There is more. It’s inside you. It is the other half of your nervous system.

We are the only species that trains one half of the population to be prey. You are also predator. 

You are not alone.

Every woman has felt the tightening of our ancestors, the fear of stepping out, risking rejection and judgement, yet it is only through the letting go that we find freedom. 

And lead the way for others to follow.

I have heard the call as well, and even though I had no idea where I was going, I continued to follow the track of my aliveness. 

I believe it is this aliveness that we are seeking. Not so much a destination, but a feeling of being alive. 

Through a series of jobs, explorations, education, dreams and synchronicities, I have drilled down to what I believe will be a path for you to follow: not in MY tracks, but to find your own way, one track at a time. 

“If the path before you is clear, you're probably on someone else's.” Joseph Campbell

You don’t need more education, more qualifications, more books. This is a journey of remembering your own alive intuition, your knowing and authority over your own soul. 

Through the skills of tracking and discernment, you will come away with an approach to life that allows you to be led by your heart, not by someone else’s rules.

Are you ready to come alive?

Register now and receive your welcome email. The journey begins Monday November 4th. 

Register here $444

Your track begins with you. 

Your track begins now, in this moment, in this breath.

Your track begins in your body, in the life you are living.

I am Madeleine Eames. I have been guiding women and creating courses for over 20 years. I feel we are at a pivotal time in our evolution on this planet. We have lived in the old ways long enough and it has caused us tremendous anxiety, illness and pain.

I want you to come away with the skillset and mindset of a super-tracker, a detective following the trail of your own aliveness.

Reconnecting with yourself and with your own true nature will lead us all back home to the aliveness we were born with. 


To read more about me go to mindfullivingnow.com or join me at my Youtube channel Woman Fully Alive.  

But in the meantime, let’s come alive together!!

Here is our tracking journey: 


Week 1: Understanding and Tracking Your Conditioning

Week 2: Deprogramming Your Subconscious Mind: Integrate a Shadow Piece

Week 3: Recognizing Your True Aliveness: What is True and What is Not?

Week 4: Track Your Energy Like a Lioness: Become a Predator of Your Aliveness

***  You also have free access to a Sacred Rage Breathwork Salon on Thursday November 21st at 11am PST. ***

I’m ready to come alive

Register now and receive your welcome email. The journey begins Monday November 4th. 

Register here $444