The Empath Sanctuary

A 12-week Program for Sensitive People to Land, Heal and Reclaim Your True Self


Join me in the sanctuary


Are you an empath or highly sensitive person who is exhausted and depleted from giving too much?

Or perhaps overwhelmed from a world that seems to require or demand too much from you?

You feel burned out, so frustrated, misunderstood, and simply burned out?

Stuck in relationships that drain your precious energy?

It is such a helpless feeling.


  • You’ve been reliable, dependable, sensitive and very loyal….a people pleaser through and through.
  • And now you feel burned out and depleted from the moment you wake up  
  • You had a role of helping others, but now you resent them
  • It’s so hard to say ‘no’ when you know you can help them.
  • Life has become overwhelming and you feel like you can’t keep it going much longer.
  • And when you don't have that role of a "helper" you feel like you aren’t ‘good enough’ and inadequate.
  • Your emotional pain has turned into chronic fatigue or chronic pain, or has made it a lot worse!




What if?


You could wake up each morning feeling alive?

Welcome those into your life that lift you up and set clear boundaries with those that don't?

Let go of worrying about what others think of you, because you care more about what YOU think of you?

Decrease feelings of overwhelm or anxiety?

Be present in your relationships, your work and your life?

Heal past feelings of shame and obligation... and move to being you.

Heal the poison of blame and resentment... and move to taking responsibility

Give up the never-ending people pleasing, trying to be perfect and "nice".. and just be you (hint: you will like what you find)

Wake up to trusting yourself, being yourself, laughing again 

... and most of all, giving to others again from a full cup. 


Because the truth is, self-care is not just affirmations and a warm bath.

It's coming home to yourself, your true self. 

It is an inner revolution that connects you with yourself and others again.

It's giving up putting others first, people-pleasing out of fear and meeting everyone else' expectations. 

It is opening the door to yourself, to who you were before the world told you who to be. 



I am Madeleine Eames.

I know the downside of living as an empath: the exhaustion, anxiety, the guilt, physical pain and illness, depression and loss.

The uncertainty about the future and the confusion about what to do now.

I also know it's possible to heal the right way. 

In a way that embraces your sensitivities. 

I have experienced it and also helped hundreds of clients heal in a way that works. As a psychotherapist for 25 years now, as well as a coach, mindfulness and yoga teacher and healer, I have learned a thing or two that I want to share with you that will help you heal and develop strength and resilience again. 

Most of all... to find yourself. 

Your fire.

Your gifts.

Your true self.

The world needs you back.

I hope you will join me in the sanctuary.  


Empath Sanctuary is a soft place for sensitive people to land, be seen and heard, when the world feels harsh.

A blend of hard science, psychology and spirituality to give you the tools you need to thrive.


There is a core foundations training of 12 weeks of lessons that everyone goes through including rest and integration weeks. You will always have access to these lessons as well as meditations and yoga practices designed especially for empaths.

Live Q & A/Coaching Calls

Weekly coaching call to ask questions, elevate and accelerate your growth. Topics will range from perfectionism, procrastination and people-pleasing to powerful ways to decrease fear and show up in your life again. The perfect way to integrate all your learning.

Ongoing support

Let's face it, transformation doesn't end. We are always evolving into our true self.  You stay connected and have access to any and all videos, training sessions and coaching for as long as you like!


Includes the Empath Resource Library.

Hear what other people are saying

"I just want to say how much better this course is so far than anything else I have ever tried. I have been working on figuring out what is wrong and how to move through it for 7 years. Countless doctors, books, therapy and attempted groups that just didn't work. I may be ready for this as I have learned a lot on my own over the years but your guidance and format is by far superior. Thank you for making this program and making it easily available and affordable "

Michelle Sansano

"Your experience and keen insight shone throughout our time together! It was very helpful for me. I love the fact I can revisit the meditations and all of the info from the course to strengthen my practice. Your class has reminded me to do more yoga practice and get back into my body. "

Audrey Spiller

"I loved the video lessons, the journaling and the meditations prior to journaling made the journaling much richer for me. Your questions were great and elicited a great amount of insight for me. I think no matter where a person is at, they will get something from your course at any level of is gentle and welcoming in its spirit(like you) and I could go back through it and learn again and again🙏 "

Alex Kirchner

"“I can’t say enough good things about Madeleine Eames’ weekly Mindfulness class. Madeleine is a profoundly gifted and compassionate teacher. I know I speak for many others when I say that the mindfulness lessons she shared with us made each of our lives brighter, more tolerable, and I’ve heard it said more than once by participants that they wish they’d known the simple technique of being mindful years earlier.” "

Kay McCracken

" I am getting so much out of this course which is so comprehensive!! It has helped me more than any counselling I have had. I am so grateful that I will still have the material after the course ends. I am beginning to love and value myself and know that I AM ENOUGH! Yay!"

Margaret McDonald

"What I enjoyed most was that you gave me real world tools that we as empaths/HSP's can use to monitor and better understand our sensitivities. This was an eye-opening and wonderful experience for me as I, like many older empaths, have been struggling my whole life to understand why I reacted to certain situations and people like I did. The insight I gained from your courses is simply that I am worthy and I am enough. "

Chronic Pain Patient

Let me know if you have any questions. Hope to see you there!

[email protected]


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